Saturday, October 18, 2008


I kinda feel like I'm talking to an empty room, but here goes ...

Cos all the cool kids are doing it, and cos I'm seriously addicted to all my writing mates' blogs, I thought I'd better stop being a major voyeur and put myself out there. 

So, I'm writing a novel set in nineteenth century Paris. Learning volumes about both writing and Paris. Why blog about it all? The tales of my travails may help others. Then again, they may not. At least you'll have laugh. 


Kristen said...

Hi Rahcel! Waving. Your room isn't empty anymore. :-D Welcome to the maddness. I look forward to reading about yours.


Jenny said...

Woot! So glad to see you've joined the blogosphere!

Rachel Walsh said...

Hey Kristen! (waving back). Thanks for dropping by.

Rachel Walsh said...

Jenny! Good to see you. Hope that book of yours is behaving. (g)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the insanity :D

Deniz Bevan said...

Yay Rachel! Now I can add you to my blog :-)

Rachel Walsh said...

Hi Deniz! (waving). Cool!